Crisis Averted: How Human Nature Can Make or Break Your Event

An event is essentially the gathering of a large number of people in a space where they could not thrive permanently. It only works temporarily because a skilled planner has carefully arranged to meet all the basic human needs. A truly exceptional planner, however, doesn’t stop there—they not only address these needs but also find creative, playful ways to address them.

But what happens when basic human needs are not met? Think about an event you've attended that didn’t go well. Chances are, your frustration can be linked to the neglect of something seemingly basic. Maybe the line for the bathroom was too long, it rained, you were a little cold, there weren’t enough appetizers, the bar was understaffed, the music was too loud, or there wasn’t anything interesting going on. Human needs can be challenging and easy to overlook especially if you have hundreds of people in one place with lots going on. We have found that it only takes a small offense to impact guest experience while complete neglect has the potential spawn crisis (think outdoor wedding : no tent / yes rain).

If you consider basic human needs in the planning phase, you have the opportunity to elevate your event from successful to sensational. Perhaps the slow unveiling of different areas in the venue taps into the human instinct to explore. Maybe ensuring there are more than enough bartenders means no one waits too long for a drink. It’s the little details, like planning for rain or considering bathroom logistics, that often get overlooked but are critical to an event’s success.

Don’t forget to take care of people all the way down to their most basic needs and your event will stand apart from the rest. Feel free to use our 5S approach below as a guide to help you.

Good luck out there!

 Michael Siagel


Shelter is the first and most obvious human need for any event. Whether it’s a wedding, corporate gathering, or birthday celebration, having enough covered space is crucial. Yet, this is often where people take the biggest risks—especially when it comes to outdoor events with tenting. It can be tempting to “just go for it” and hope the weather cooperates, but relying on chance can leave guests uncomfortable, wet, or exposed to the elements. A good event ensures everyone feels sheltered and comfortable, no matter what’s happening outside. Having ample, reliable shelter lets your guests relax and enjoy themselves, rain or shine. Room temperature, humidity, and flow all fall under this category so do not forget to address them in your planning. You could invest millions in an event but if guests are cold, that is what they will remember so don’t forget it!


Sustenance goes far beyond simply having enough food at an event—it’s about timing, accessibility, and strategic placement. While it’s obvious that guests need to be well-fed and hydrated, when and how they receive food is just as important. If food isn’t ready or is difficult to access, guests may end up hungry or thirsty for long periods, and once that happens, it’s hard for them to mentally move past it. Their focus shifts entirely, and instead of enjoying your carefully planned experiences, they’ll start “hunting” as their ancestors once did!

On the flip side, serving everything too early at once leaves too much time for them to get hungry and tired again toward the end of the event. A better strategy? Space things out thoughtfully! Keeping a steady flow of food and drink ensures that guests are always comfortable and engaged.

Another crucial factor is guest behavior. Food attracts people like nothing else, so if you want your guests to be somewhere specific or participate in something special, carefully consider where you place food stations and when you open them so as not to compete with yourself. As humans have done for centuries, they will prioritize finding food over anything else—potentially missing those key moments you’ve worked so hard to plan. Strategic timing and placement ensures they enjoy everything your event has to offer without getting distracted by the call of hunger!


Sanitation is another critical need that often goes unnoticed—until it’s not handled properly. As humans, we've evolved to prioritize cleanliness, which plays a huge role in our overall comfort and well-being. Clean, accessible spaces allow your guests to relax and focus on the celebration, rather than feeling distracted by discomfort or a sense of unease.

One of the quickest ways to edge an event toward crisis is by having insufficient or hard-to-access restrooms. While most venues have this covered, it’s essential for event planners to always keep an eye on the basics. When sanitation needs are met seamlessly, guests may not even notice—because everything is flowing smoothly. But when they aren’t? Well, we can borrow from the saying, “hell hath no fury.” A lack of proper sanitation is one thing people won’t forgive, and it can overshadow even the most carefully planned experiences. Always prioritize this need, and your guests will thank you—even if they don’t realize it!


Safety is another fundamental need that, like the others, is typically well-covered by most planners and venues. However, situations can sneak up on you, and it's important to remember that safety—both physical and psychological—takes priority for humans and deeply influences their behavior throughout an event.

A key aspect of feeling safe is knowing where you are. This is why people love to explore when they arrive at a new space—it’s an evolutionary trait that has helped humans survive over time. When planning your event’s flow, it’s crucial to keep this in mind. Guests won’t fully engage with the activities or be present if they haven’t yet acclimated to their surroundings.

One common misstep is rushing guests into dancing too early. Some hosts, eager to kick things off, shorten the cocktail hour and quickly direct everyone to the dance floor before they've had time to settle in. This can be devastating, as it sets a tone of discomfort and confusion that can be hard to shake. It’s like starting a spinning top—it needs the right momentum at the beginning, or you'll find yourself constantly trying to re-launch it throughout the event.

So, consider safety beyond the obvious measures like exits or security staff. Recognize how guests express their need to feel safe—through exploring, settling in, and orienting themselves. Giving them that space to adjust can make all the difference in ensuring they enjoy and fully participate in your event from start to finish.


Stimulation is the final piece of the puzzle, and while having great entertainment or a “wow” factor can certainly get people talking, there’s so much more you can do beyond just buying cool stuff. Keeping guests engaged is all about how you pace the experience. Rather than relying on a single, over-the-top moment, consider a slow release of programs throughout the event. Escorting guests into new areas, unveiling surprises at key moments, and weaving these elements into the flow can keep people engaged and excited far longer than a one-time, flashy spectacle (but the flashy spectacle is still awesome so do it if you can).

Timing is everything. By aligning your entertainment, food, and programming with the natural rhythm of the event, you amplify their impact. This, in-turn, elongates periods of stimulation while minimizing lull. We see this clearly in the high school "all-night" parties we do to keep kids safe after prom. Often, the entertainment committee will open everything up at once, which is fun for about an hour—but what about the other three hours? If you take those same programs and roll them out gradually, the night becomes more dynamic, and the kids are too engaged to realize how much time has passed. This slow-release strategy creates bursts of energy that sustain the excitement, making the entire event feel explosive and unforgettable.

It’s not just about one big moment—it’s about keeping the energy flowing and allowing guests to discover something new at every turn. Sometimes that means offering guests a break, lull, or wait just so you can turn things up again. No time is this more important than when your goal is to achieve high energy. This approach complements the food, entertainment, and venue, making the experience even more powerful and memorable.




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